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Danya Arnold MBA, MS, RDN, LD

K-12 Culinary Connection
EVP | Marketing and Business Development
K-12 Culinary Connection is an Arkansas based, local food service management company that takes pride in helping school districts meet their foodservice goals through our resources and years of experience.  Our approach is completely individualized for each district because we know that every school district is different!

Our years of experience in different areas of school nutrition allows us to take a unique approach when partnering with school districts. Our staff takes pride in menu planning and development, ensuring all menus are USDA compliant while offering fun, delicious options for students. Our chefs will offer their expertise in recipe creation and production, kitchen efficiency, and presentation skills to make sure the food looks as good as it tastes! Our operations team will help your Child Nutrition Director with budgeting, ordering, and ensuring your program is financially savvy.

Our services will help you meet your individualized goals for your district, and we take pride in ensuring you will have all the tools you need for success! As an Arkansas owned and operated company, we take out the middle level of management to give you direct communication to our entire team. Your district will regularly see your local K-12 Culinary Connection representative as well as our chefs, registered dietitians, and senior management team. We are always local and always there for you!

We specialize in transparent, fixed price contracts that allow each school district to maintain complete control of their employees. If you’re looking for local solutions, stop by our booth and let’s brainstorm!
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