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Darrell Farmer

Division of Elementary & Secondary Education (CAC)
Public School Program Advisor
Four Capitol Mall, Slot 25
Darrell Farmer boasts a decade of invaluable experience within the public school system. His multifaceted roles include serving as a behavioral interventionist, multi-age intercessor, ALE facilitator/teacher, and a dyslexia interventionist. Prior to his educational endeavors, he dedicated 19 years to mental health work.
Mr. Farmer holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and completed his master’s in the art of teaching at U.A. Monticello. His commitment extends beyond the professional realm; he has been happily married for 29 years and is a proud parent of three children.
Currently, Mr. Farmer serves as a public-school program advisor at the Compliance Assistance Center and Learning Services Alternative Education. His expertise shines through as he conducts both in-person and virtual trainings on a diverse range of subjects throughout the state of Arkansas. His contributions significantly enhance the Arkansas Department of Education.

My Presenters Sessions

Monday, July 8

10:20am CDT

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